Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hardy Mohrbacher
- Materials Engineer, Mechanical Engineer
- Owner and Managing Director of BV NiobelCon
- Associate Professor at KU Leuven
- Senior Technical Advisor Greenland Resources Inc.
- Saarland University (Dipl.-Ing.)
- University of Houston (M.Sc.)
- KU Leuven (Dr. ir.)
Professional experience:
- Steel alloy design and processing
- Sheet metal forming
- Laser and other welding processes
- Nondestructive testing & materials characterization
- Tribology of hard coatings
Previous employments:
- Fraunhofer Institute for Nondestructive Testing (IZFP)
- OCAS Steel Research Center
- Sidmar NV
- ThyssenKrupp AG (TKTB)
- Niobium Products Company (CBMM)
2021 Gilbert R. Speich Award (AIST)
- AIST awarded the 2021 Gilbert R. Speich Award to Irati Zurutuza, Nerea Isasti, Pello Uranga (CEIT), Eric Detemple, Volker Schwinn (Dillinger Hüttenwerke) and Hardy Mohrbacher (NiobelCon) for the work entitled "Effect of Nb and Mo Additions in the Microstructure/Tensile Property Relationship in High Strength Quenched and Quenched and Tempered Boron Steels"